by Zalcore | Feb 8, 2024 | Articles
In my 30 years working in IT I’ve seen MANY policies. In fact, it seems like we see a different policy for everything these days. In my previous corporate life, I’ve been through rigorous audits requiring an actual book of policies (more like a thick folder). Many of...
by Zalcore | Jan 8, 2024 | Articles
One of the problems when shutting down Internet access to production networks is the ability to ingest and release content from/to various sources/destinations. As technology progresses, more and more companies prefer to send content via the Internet rather than...
by Zalcore | Dec 31, 2023 | Articles
If you ask any content owners out there regarding having Internet connectivity on systems that have direct access to content, almost all of them will not allow it. No one wants to be responsible for any content leak, maliciously driven or not. This is a fairly old...
by Zalcore | Dec 30, 2023 | Articles
Clients always asked me if they should go through the Trusted Partner Network (TPN) assessment or not even bother with it. As a consultant, I like to give them the “it depends” answer :). Joking aside, we need to step back and remember the reason for the...